Hydrophores for Fresh and Sea Water

The hydrophores are intended to make and maintain pressure 0,6 МРа in the fresh and sea water systems. The level is maintained, automatically.

Depending on the manholes arrangement, they have two versions – right- and left – side. One of them is a mirror image of other.

The attachment is realized in two ways – lower and one – side

    The hydrophores are intended to make and maintain pressure 0,6 МРа in the fresh and sea water systems. The level is maintained, automatically.

    Depending on the manholes arrangement, they have two versions – right- and left – side. One of them is a mirror image of other.

    The attachment is realized in two ways – lower and one – side



    1. Water inlet DN32 for V=0,15; 0,2 and 0,3 m3
        DN 40 for V=0,5; 0,7; 0,9 and 1,2 m3
    2. Water outlet DN 32 for V=0,15; 0,2 and 0,3 m3
        DN 40 for V=0,5 m3
        DN 50 for V=0,7; 0,9 and 1,2 m3
    3. Safety valve outlet M39x2
    4. Drainage ½” for V=0,15; 0,2 and 0,3 m3
        1” for V=0,5; 0,7; 0,9 and 1,2 m3
    5. Level indicating plant blowing M22x1,5