KMM AD has the following facilities and equipment available:

Pre-manufacturing Shop

3000 sq.m. indoor area served by an overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 12.5 tons.

Cutting of sheet metal

-Plasma and gas cutting machines (in operation since 2017) with area of cutting 3 m x 12m. Plasma cutting of up to 60 mm carbon steel, and up to 40 mm stainless steel. Gas cutting – up to 200 mm of carbon steel.

Cutting of pipes and profiles

– Band sawing machine able of cutting pipes and profiles of up to 600 mm in diameter, and cutting at an angle of up to 60 degrees. In operation since 2017

Roll bending machine

– Three and Four roll bending machines able of cutting various thickness and radii

Column flux welding machine

– Range 4 m x 6m


Abcant PressBrake

– 250t.A new Abkant Press Brake with a maximum bending stress of 220 tons and a working width of 3100 mm is to be delivered and installed in December 2018.

Pipe bending machine

Machining Shop

1500 sq.m. indoor area served by an overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 12.5 tons.

The area is complete with standard turning and milling machines, carrousel lathes with a range of 2200 mm, a shroud lathe with a range of up to 3000 mm, radial drilling machine, universal lathes, and a boring mill.

Assembly Areas

-For the production of stainless steel articles – an area of 1500 sq.m complete with an overhead crane with two (2) lifting hooks 20 t / 5 t.
– For the production of carbon steel products – a total area of 3900 sq.m. The overhead crane available in this area has two (2) lifting hooks with a capacity of 50 t / 12.5 t and hook clearance height of 14 m.
The Assembly Areas are complete with modern MIG/MAG and TIG welding machines – Fronius, ESAB, Kempi, Selco

KMM has been maintaining the existing welding procedures and continuously adding up the required set of welding procedures under EN 15614 and ASME IX. The welders are also certified according to EN473/ EN9606 and ASME IX:2015
KMM AD uses specialized subcontractors for non-destructive control. The Assembly Shops also accommodate stands for performing hydraulic tests under pressure.

Anticorrosion Protection Shop

1500 sq.m. indoor area served by an overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 12.5 tons.

Shot Blasting Chamber

Painting and Drying Chamber